CrossBorderScience » Archive by category "Zometool"

Archive for the 'Zometool' Category

International Experience Workshop in the Petra Preradovića High School, Virovitica

May 10-11, 2012 Our second international event was held in the Petra Preradovića High School, Virovitica, Croatia on May 10-11, 2012. With the leadership of dr. Eleonóra Stettner (Kaposvár University), three teachers and 22 students of the Táncsics High School of Kaposvár, Hungary also participated in the Croatian Experience Workshop. The Hungarian members of the […]

Report – International Experience Workshop at the Kaposvár University

December 1-2, 2011. The Experience Workshop Movement for the Experience-Centred Education of Mathematics visited the Kaposvár University for the third time. Using the common language of mathematics and the arts, our intention was to establish cross-country collaborations. Our programme offered the experience of exploration through several community art&science workshops and an excellent opportunity for the […]

International Experience Workshop at the Kaposvár University

December 1-2., 2011 Kaposvár, Guba Sándor street 40., Hungary Special guest: Robert FATHAUER (USA), a mathematician and artist, the chief curator of the exhibitions of The Bridges Organization. The Experience Workshop Movement for the Experience-Centered Education of Mathematics visits the Kaposvár University for the third time. Secondary school and high school students of Kaposvár city […]
